Covid19 Can’t Cramp Our Style

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Stay-at-home orders have lifted for many across the United States, but that doesn’t mean we are dressing the same. When quarantine began, millions of women took their bra off when they got home and didn’t put a new one on for another six weeks. Men donned baggy sweatpants, classic oversized tee shirts, and didn’t bother wearing shoes. Not everyone tossed out their regular dress during quarantine; some people took quarantine to get glam. Select dates inside with no detail forgotten. Since many have returned to work, much of the normal routine has returned with some minor alterations.

In the food industry, many workers are required to wear masks to protect the workers from the customers and the food.

Keeping the work environment clean and sanitized is priority number one. In which case, employees are expressing their personalities with their masks. From cute florals and prints to snarky phrases or novelty quips, there are tons of options.

Masks aren’t the only noticeable difference since more people are stepping out. Teen Vogue recently published predictions that include gloves as a new fashion accessory staple (Bateman, 2020). It’s hard to tell how the virus will affect fashion as it continues to spread, but history indicates that style evolves, but fashion is forever.

Bateman, K. (2020, April 27). COVID-19 Might Change The Way We Dress Forever. Retrieved June 13, 2020, from

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