Fresh and Clean: The Mediterranean Diet

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What if I told you there was a diet that didn’t make you count calories, allowed delicious bread with every bit of gluten, AND recommended daily doses of fat?

You would probably think I’m introducing a diet pill on an infomercial — but you, my friend, would be wrong. The Meditteranean Diet is a real diet that promotes healthy fats, whole fresh foods, and did I mention bread?

Like most food, nutritionists will explain a balanced diet consists of whole foods. Stay away from the freezer aisle as much as possible. Whole grains are a fantastic way to add fiber and other vital nutrients to your diet. Fat has fueled arguments for generations, but the truth is healthy fats are different than the fat the french fries are cooked in at a restaurant. The Meditteranean diet insists that calories don’t matter as much if you practice health-conscious decisions.

Opt for poultry or fish instead of red meats, fill your plate with plenty of vegetables, fresh fruit, and enjoy a glass of wine with your meal.

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