Number four genre of music in 2020: Punk

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Punk might be past its peak popularity, but that doesn’t stop it from being the fourth largest genre being listened to in the U.S. Despite the cancellations of tours and live performances, fans of the genre can look forward to new albums from some old favorites and newcomers.
Speaking of the classics, Green Day is one to keep an eye on.

They dropped an album in 2019, and Billie Joe Armstrong has said that he’s got six songs ready to record once the COVID-19 pandemic passes.

Another older group, New Found Glory

is also looking to release their tenth L.P. Forever + Ever X Infinity.

Billie Joe and the old crew aren’t the only ones that fans should be on the lookout for. Welsh pop-punk band Neck Deep are looking to release their third album, All Distortions are Intentional.

Meanwhile, some of those bands from down under like Stand Atlantic

and Trophy Eyes are looking like they might be putting out some new tunes this year.

With other, lesser-known groups like Broadside

With Confidence

and Bearings all looking like they are going to release new music this year, there is certainly some content for punk fans to look forward to.

The rebellious genre might be seeing a revival in this stressful time. After all, during the George W. Bush era, punk made a comeback to the public scene. With the outbreak of COVID-19 and the widespread protests across the world, punk is in a prime position to take the scene once more.

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