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Perpetual Life Hybrid Party: “The Remembrance of the Resurrectables”

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Perpetual Life Hybrid Party: "The Remembrance of the Resurrectables", presented by Bill Faloon.

Join us at 5:00 pm EST our Perpetual Life Hybrid Party live from our location at 950 South Cypress Road in Pompano Beach, FL, and or socialize with Immortalists from Around the World,  hosted by Tonya Scholz and Natasha More via Zoom.


To register for Zoom go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrcuiqqTosE9beixMUCHme-jEZIiUEeSdj#/registration


Stay “In Zoom” for our 7:00 pm YouTube Streaming Service for “The Remembrance of the Resurrectables”.

Aaron Drake and Bill Faloon will give presentations

“The Remembrance of the Resurrectables” &

“Echoes Through the Ice:

Honoring the Pioneers on the Path to Tomorrow”

Then Celebrate the Holidays with us and enjoy a “Healthy and Hearty 5 Star Buffet.”


Stay after the close of the YouTube streaming for the Zoom After Party and Enjoy fellowship in the extended discussions with Friends from Around the World, sharing bold ideas on health, longevity, and technology!


It is OK to drop in late!  Please share this event with someone that you care about.


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 “Our task is to make nature, the blind force of nature, into an instrument of universal resuscitation and to become a union of immortal beings.”  – Nikolai F. Fedorov

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