Tag: Twitter Spaces

#BeautySpacesBar (EPS 3): Haircolor Trends

Join Cara
(@cannaqueencara), Sarah (@sarah420stoned)
& Tonya Scholz (@knowaging)

today @ 6 PM EST for #BeautySpacesBar (EPS 3) via

Chat about #haircolor trends & more!

#NFTsForACause EPS 7: Chat with Melina Gallery

Carlos Sicilia & Tonya Scholz
hosted their weekly Sunday February 27, @ 3 PM EST #NFTsForACause v/ Twitter Spaces!

They chat w/ 10-year old, Melina Gallery
& her parents about her 20 Doves of Freedom #NFTProject! 100% proceeds to go Ukrainian children affected by the war.

Chat with Psychiatrist & NFT Artist, Stacy Lindsey

Chat with psychiatrist & NFT artist, Stacy Lindsey

#TwitterSpaces #ForACause! Host by Tonya Scholz and Co-Host Ginain Grayes chat with a psychiatrist and #NFTartist, Stacy Lindsey, about
her nonprofit, which hopes to use a portion of proceeds from NFT sales to support & fund resources for mental health in the community.

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